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Citation for SPIE journals (Lyx with RevTex 4)

It took me a while to figure how to properly generate citations for a manuscript for SPIE. The following is for Lyx 1.6.

  • Document class: “article (REVTeX 4)”
  • Custom class options: “supercite, prb,nobibnotes”
  • “supercite” causes superscripts to be used at the list of cited sources
  • “prb” causes superscripts to be used for in-document citations
  • “nobibnotes” causes author footnotes to appear on the first page, rather together with the bibliography
  • “altaffilletter” causes letters to be used for super scripts in the text.
  • Bibliography: “NatBib”
  • To make something like “In Ref. 4,…” to appear in text, use ERT of \nocite{citekey}.

These might not be the “correct” setting, but it works for my case.

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